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Nate, Lola & Berkeley's Clock

Casting a proper spell, is not that easy!
Nate & Lola-WFS2019.png

Lola and Nate just moved from the witchcraft school to the old Berkeley house. Everything seemed normal until they discover a magical talking wall-clock. Is Bantzar, a powerfull wizard transformed into a clock as a punishment for always being late!

Bantzar will magically transport the new tenants to many adventures and wacky situations trying to amend all his "unpunctuality" and for once, be on time! Hopefully soon, he will recover his original form.

Lola, is a civilized, sensitive and on a strict diet dog who's not too happy with the clock situation as she prefers living a tasteful and peacefull life. But Nate, an optimistic and hyperactive 9 year-old kid is thrilled with what's happening to them so he keeps sabotaging Lola's quest for refinement wile unfolding the clock's enigma.

Production Information

Status:          In Development

Format:          52x11'

Genre:           Comedy, adventure

Target Audience: Kids

Production:      WFS

Created by:      Gerard Cornella

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