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Spot // Fristi

3D Animation + VFX

Set in an abandoned carnival, the script had Fristi’s hero characters – Jasmine, Nero and their faithful companion – Kenji fighting evil spider robots. Fristi restores their special powers allowing them to destroy the army with laser bolts from their eyes.

This project required a protracted character design and modeling process and an unusual environment design. Jofre directed the freelance animation team working remotely from Sydney, Rio De Janeiro and Barcelona through the previs and character animation phases of the production. Jofre simulated the hair in all shots and prevised a lot of the effects. All this while directing two Comfort 30 sec. TVCs at the same time!
The final render and grading stages were done in house at Cirkus in Auckland.


Animation Director: Scott Wilkinson

Client: Fristi

Producer: Leo Burnett

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Unless otherwise specifically noted, everything in the entire universe, including the work on this Web site, is ©WideFrameStudio,SLU, ©Gerard Cornella, ©Jofre Balboa, ©Storfisk ©Muviscal is copyright ©Kidiwi ©Fish Hooks ©Renault © Peekaboo Animation © is ©Disney Television Animation, ©Axis Animation, ©Cirkus, ©Technicolor, ©Monster high and ©Bungie

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